Gain Weight

30 posts

How To Gain Weight And Build More Muscle Mass

A typical strength training program for weight gain all almost always includes compound free weight lifts like squats, bench press, shoulder press, pull-ups (wide grip), and dips. The amount of weight used for each, the amount of reps, and the frequency of training, will obviously be customized to suit your […]

Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often

The more work you put into something, the better results you will achieve. This has always been a widely accepted truth that applies to many areas of life. The harder you study, the better grades you will achieve. The more time you spend fine-tuning your athletic skills, the better athlete […]

The Myth Of Gaining Muscle Without Fat!

Many of you have expressed concerns about gaining too much body fat while on such a high calorie diet, and wonder if you should do some aerobic exercise to offset the weight gain. Absolutely not. That will be detrimental to gaining muscle. For best results, you either have to train […]